Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

Human-computer interaction

Human-computer interaction
hip between humans and computers that includes the design, evaluation, and implementation of the user interface computer for easy use by humans.Science is trying to find the most efficient way to design electronic message . While the human and computer interaction itself is a series of processes, Dialogues and activities undertaken by humans to interact with computers roomates are both shared inputs and feedback via an interface to Obtain expected outcomes.           
The system must be in accordance with human needs and is designed as a user-oriented man. 

Sub field studies human interaction with computers 

There are three sub-fields of study related to the interaction with the computer:  Ergonomics where human-computer interaction related to the physical form of the machine. 
  1. Human factors   associated with psychological problems.
  2. Human computer interaction  examines how the relationships that occur between computer science related to the design of humans with computers. 
The engineering tools for the physical interactions are tested Often computer interfaces, Thus enabling the exchange of information. 
Some aspects are the focus in designing an interface is: 
  1. Methodologies   and processes used in the design of an interface.
  2. Method of interface implementation.
  3. Methods of evaluation and comparison interface.
  4. Development of the new interface.
  5. Develop a description and prediction or theory of a new interface.


in human interaction with computers, there are Several senses used to be Able to interact ----: Realize Human physiology needed to absorb the information in the form of sound.  Just as the eye can see a great variety of light - hue, briteness , contrast - able ear sensing array of a comprehensively, voice over changes in timbre , loudness and pitch .  the mind can then associate this sound with an event, object, or abstract ideas .  Most Often, noise-as-information there as speech or music, and indeed this will continue on the Internet.  Audio content iS ALSO Generally produced by the machine to Convey information, and Also will continue to use the Internet.             
Example: In a hospital, the voice Know of an electrocardiograph (ECG) Beeps in the rhythm to the heart; pager alerts the woman on a street corner, a telegraph emits click evenly-spaced in Morse code . All of These are examples to show the hearing, the sound made by a machine in order to relate the information. in an age when language has been a form of communication dominant , sound plays an important role in our lives.     

8 golden rules of interface design 

  • Strive for consistency.
    • consistent sequence of actions that should be required in Similar situations. 
    • identical terminology   should be used in prompts, menus, and help screens. 
    • consistent color, layout , capitalization , font, and so should be fully used. 
  • Allows users to use shortcuts Often
    • to Increase the rate stands uses the interaction, special keys, hidden commands, and macro .
  • Offer informative feedback  
    • for every user action, the system must respond in some way (in web design, this can be Achieved with DHTML - for example, the button will make a clicking sound or change color when clicked to display something that users have occurred). 
  • Design dialog to yield closure.
    • The action sequences should be organized into groups with a beginning, middle, and end. Informative feedback on the completion of a group of users actions show reviews reviews reviews reviews reviews Reviews their activity has been completed successfully.
  • Offer error prevention and simple error handling.
    • design forms so that users can not make a serious mistake, for example, prefer a menu option to form filling and does not allow alphabetic characters in numeric entry
    • if the user makes a mistake, the instructions must be written to detect the error and offer simple instructions, constructive, and specifically for recovery. 
    • long segment form and send a separate section, so users are not Penalized Because they have to fill out the form again - but the Make sure you inform the user that some parts that come
  • Permit recovery action. 
  • Support internal locus of control 
    • Experienced users who want to be responsible. [  Surprising system actions, tedious sequences of the the the the the data is, the inability to enter or difficulty in Obtaining the Necessary information, and the inability to Achieve the desired action all build anxiety and dissatisfaction. [ 1]
  • Reduce the burden of short-term memory.
    • A study has shown that the known human can hold only 7 pieces (plus or minus 2) information in short-term memory of them. [1]   You can reduce the burden of short-term memory by designing the screen where options are Clearly visible , or use the pull-down menus and icons. 

Media and human computer interfaces 

  • textual media
Is "a simple form of dialogue or communication between humans and computers that Contain only text and less attractive". [5]  One example of human and computer interface that uses a text-based programming language PASCAL  is Readln and writeln .  
  • Media GUI   (Graphical User Interface)
Is a "form of dialogue or communication between humans and computers in the form of graphics and very attractive". [5]   Examples of human interface and computer graphics in the form of using a visual programming environment ( Visual Basic , Visual FoxPro , Delphi , etc.).   

Interest human interaction with computers 

  • The main objective formulation of the various ways human and computer interaction:
to Facilitate human operating the computer and get a lot of feedback that he needs for his work on a computer system.  The drafters of the human interface and the computer hoping that the computer system he designed can be both familiar and friendly to its users ( user friendly ). 
  • For example, suppose a complete computer mounted in a place that is not convenient for a user to use. Or a keyboard used on the computer hard the buttons so hard to type something.  
The examples above are a few things we need to learn why the Human-Computer Interaction.
We need a human computer interaction is to the make-us faster in completing a job, and can the the make-faster turnaround times and does not require a lot of expense in making a job.

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